Saturday, August 31, 2013

Turning Points
  •  father died,groomed becoming chief local tribe
    • became increasing aware of the unjust nature of SAf
    •  majority of Black South Africa had little opportunities , became involved in politics
    • helped found ANC Youth League, pushing the ANC  into more direct action
    • resign from the ANC and work under ground
    • arrested and sentenced to the prison, his autobiographical reveals how  he sought to make the best in prison
    • suffered culture violence, progress new constitution

    •  first democratically elected state president of SF
    • advocacy of reconciliation led to international acclaim, important the trust of the white people
    • international figure of the great stature
    • received many prestigious awards
    • warded the Nobel Peace Prize

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Nelson Mandela time line

    1918 was born at Qunu <br >
    1949 helped the ANC Youth League <br >
    1949 programme of Action was adopted by ANC <br >
    1952 opened the first Black Law <br >
    1962 has been arrested and sentenced <br>
    1990 released from painful and difficult <br >
    1993 awarded Nobel Peace Prize <br >
    1994 the elected President <br >
    1994 the end of President term <br >